silent book club

March Literary Gladness!

March Literary Gladness!

Local author book signings, AuthorCon, Writers’ Mingle, SOUP and Sonnets, Silent Book Club, MTSU SHIFT Launch, and more!

December Lit News: Events, Yays, and Opportunities!

December Lit News: Events, Yays, and Opportunities!

Discover book signings, local authors, publication opportunities, and more in Rutherford County Tennessee this December!

August Literary Fun!

August Literary Fun!

Back to school and back to books!! See what’s happening in Rutherford County this month! Plus, celebrate some of our local writers on their recent successes!

July Literary News and Events

July Literary News and Events

Book discussions, silent book clubs, poetry readings, open mics, and more! Plus, a call to submit writing, resources for new teachers, and a new comic book store in Murfreesboro!