smyrna library

March Literary Gladness!

March Literary Gladness!

Local author book signings, AuthorCon, Writers’ Mingle, SOUP and Sonnets, Silent Book Club, MTSU SHIFT Launch, and more!

Beat the February Funk with Literary Fun!

Beat the February Funk with Literary Fun!

A new writers mingle, celebrating World Read Aloud Day locally, poetry and storytelling events, opportunities for youth poets, the Friends of Smyrna Library upcoming Run to Read, and more!

Bookmobile Visits, Local Author Highlights, a Writing Conference, and Other September Literary News

Bookmobile Visits, Local Author Highlights, a Writing Conference, and Other September Literary News

What's happening in September for readers, writers, and word lovers in Rutherford County? I'm glad you asked .... Plus, is the bookmobile coming near you? And let's celebrate some local writers!