Call for RAA Member Artists

The Rutherford Arts Alliance is now accepting entries from member artists for an exhibit at the Murfreesboro City Hall Rotunda later this year.

The exhibit is scheduled for November 2 through December 3, 2020. The RAA will host an artist reception as part of its monthly meeting on November 10.

A Best of Show award will receive $500. Three Honorable Mentions will also be awarded.  Jurors are Lisa Sims, Eric Snyder, and Norris Hall.

Due to gallery limitations, this call is for 2D art only: paint, mixed media, and photography. No 3-dimensional pieces.

To Submit

Email your entry to by September 1, 2020.

Please submit 3-5 images in jpg format and meeting the following guidelines:

  • cropped to artwork edges

  • at least 1920 pixels on the widest edge

  • at least 72 dpi.

  • limit file size to 2mb

Identify images with artist name, size and title of artwork, for example: Sims24x12Reflections.

Provide current artist statement in pdf format.

Also in pdf format, provide a list of submitted images with title, media, size, and asking price. If not for sale, please indicate NFS.

Image credit: Unsplash/@freephotocc