I don’t know about you, but it does not feel like November to me. October flew by, and the warm weather is actually making me a little sad. I got some new sweaters, and I’m ready to get cute and cozy, dangit! Maybe these fun lit events for readers and writers will make me feel better.
Thursday, Nov. 7th, 4:30, MTSU Ingram Building (2269 Middle Tennessee Blvd): Staged Reading of Tira Palmquist’s Play in Progress
As part of the In Process creative writing series at MTSU, Tira Palmquist and Sarah Hall will be working together to host a staged reading of Palmquist’s play in progress, The Last Time We Saw Madison. Go here for more information.
Thursday, Nov. 7th and Monday, Nov. 18th
There’s a new writing group open to adults and teens at the Smyrna Public Library. Join them at one or both times to chat about writing, try out some writing prompts and share what you’re writing (or hoping to write). Both new and seasoned writers of any genre are welcome—and just drop in for part of the time, if that’s all you can do.
Friday, Nov. 8th, 6:30, The View at the Fountains (1500 Medical Center Pkwy): Read to Succeed Celebrity Spelling Bee
It’s the 18th annual RTS Celebrity Spelling Bee, where local hot shots come together to raise funds for Read to Succeed and promote literacy in the community. Come check it out, cheer on your favorite speller, and support literacy initiatives for youth, families, and adults in our area! Click here for more info.
Sunday, Nov. 10th, 2-4, Linebaugh Library: Friends of Linebaugh Library Book Club Seminar
FOLL is a great organization that does a lot to promote all things bookish throughout the area, and this event should be a fun one to enjoy some snacks, win some prizes, and talk about book clubs with lots of cool people. There are at least seven book clubs that currently meet at Linebaugh, and this meeting is a time to learn all about them and what it might be like to start your own book club! Click here for more info!
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 6:00, Linebaugh Library: Kristin O’Donnell Tubb Pen Pal Author Book Talk and Signing
FOLL has sponsored a Pen Pal author for 34 years now, promoting authors of books for school-aged audiences in local schools and libraries. This year, the Pen Pal author is Kristen O’Donnell Tubb, who has published eleven books for middle-grade readers, including the Story Collector series, engaging mysteries like Fowl Play, and several books for dog lovers. She will be speaking at several classrooms and then having this free event at Linebaugh for children and their families.
Thursday, Nov. 14th, 4:30, MTSU Ingram Building: In Process Open Mic
Microphone image courtesy @ilyasssed
In addition to the featured writers that In Process hosts, there are two open mics per semester, and this is one! Come listen to students, staff, and community members read their works–or maybe share some of your own! More information here.
Saturday, Nov. 16, 9-1, Linebaugh Library: Friends of Linebaugh Library Saturday Book Sale
Every month, FOLL hosts a special Saturday book sale at their bookstore in the library. Come check out the November date and get some good books!
Sunday, Nov. 17, 6:00, Dapper Owl Coffee Pub (2412 E. Main St.): Poetry in the Boro
It’s the monthly meeting of Murfreesboro poets! Come listen to the featured poet (tbd) and join in the open mic–either by listening to some of the talented poets in the area or by sharing some of your own work! Click here for more info.
Thursday, Nov. 21, 4:30, MTSU Ingram Building: In Process Multi-Genre Celebration
As the end-of-semester celebration, four writers will be sharing their works across multiple genres, including playwriting (Claudia Barnett), fiction (Mary Leoson), poetry (Bryanna Licciardi), and nonfiction (Jennifer Wachtel Kates). Find out more information here.
Community Wins
We are so proud that two writers associated with Rutherford County have won the inaugural Tennessee Book Award from Humanities Tennessee. Rachel Louise Martin, who grew up in Murfreesboro, won the nonfiction category for her book A Most Tolerant Little Town, and MTSU Write mentor Denton Loving won the poetry category for his collection, Tamp. Congratulations to you, Rachel and Denton!!
and a state poetry contest
The Poetry Society of Tennessee has recently opened its contests for 2025. There are lots of categories, publication opportunities, and cash prizes. Entries must be emailed or postmarked by Sunday, December 15, 2024.
You might be familiar that November is National Novel Writing Month, when writers try to cram in at least 50,000 words through the month–mostly just as a fun writing exercise. The organization NaNoWriMo has been great at organizing the event, providing trackers, hosting groups, etc. for decades–but earlier this year, they ran into some controversy about their stance on generative AI in writing. Many writers are choosing not to support NaNoWriMo as an organization anymore because of this.
So … if you feel similarly, what to do in November instead?
Well, of course, you could just write 50,000 words on your own. No big deal; just shoot for a little under 2,000 words a day, and you’ll be fine! (...Right?) But there are other ways to scratch that longform itch this month. Check these out:
Ellipsus - “One place for draft, edits, and discussions”
TrackBear - a writers’ tracking app that lets you set goals, track your habits, and collaborate
4thewords - a gamification app that turns writing into an monster-defeating RPG
Shut Up & Write - like Silent Book Club–but for writing!
Pathfinders Writing Collective - an alternative very similar to NaNoWriMo, which has a challenge from November to January!
MyWriteClub - like social media–but for writers, where you can share your goals to others
And lots more! Check out this Reddit post for a complete list of communities, tools, trackers, challenges, etc. to try this November!
And that’s it! Have a great November and remember: whether you write 50,000 words or not, remember that we still love you around here. See you next month!
Image courtesy of @gift_habeshaw