The Rutherford Arts Alliance is excited to be partnering with Poetry in the Boro on their third annual Arts Calendar. Poetry in the Boro is a monthly reading series and open mic whose mission is to bring poetry to the community and to encourage the community’s creative, unique voices.
The 2023 calendar will feature poetry and visual art (including photography) by poets and visual artists who have a meaningful connection to Rutherford County, Tennessee. Proceeds from the calendar will go to support Poetry in the Boro and RAA programming.
Call for submissions
We welcome submissions from those who currently live, work, or attend school in Rutherford County, who are past residents, or who live beyond our county borders but are part of the Poetry in the Boro or RAA communities. We are especially interested in seeing work from diverse viewpoints, backgrounds, and life experiences.
Image made in Canva.
All submissions should be suitable for a general audience.
Submission deadline is June 30, 2022. We use Submittable, which requires a free account. Learn more about using Submittable here.
Complete information on how to submit, plus tips on what we're looking for, can be found here!
See highlights from the 2022 calendar at
We will announce selections on or around August 31, 2022. Contributing poets and artists will be paid $45 per image / poem. Featured haiku writers will be paid $15 per haiku. Each contributor will also receive a complimentary copy of the calendar.
The calendar will be released in late fall 2022— in time for holiday shopping!— with an in-person celebration planned.
More about the calendar, in the words of contributors and buyers
Here are some comments we received about our prior calendars:
The calendar is beautiful!
I love the idea of "written" and not just pictorial features.
People...have contacted me and posted about how much they like Murfreesboro Majesty. This is a thrill!
I’m excited and honored to be part of this project!
This is seriously the first time I've felt really connected to my local creative community in Murfreesboro after living here for nearly 17 years.
Submit to the 2023 calendar here.
Banner image credit: Canva