A first-ever mingle for creative writers will be held Sunday, 2/9, from 3 pm to 5 pm at the Dapper Owl coffee pub. Connect with other writers in a relaxed setting—and even sit down and write for a bit, if you’re so inspired. Come and go anytime. Help us plan by RSVPing on this Google form.
Sponsored by the literary interest group of the Rutherford Arts Alliance, Poetry in the Boro, and MTSU Write, this event is free and open to writers of all genres and experience levels (including “thinking about writing”). We encourage you to make a purchase from Dapper Owl in order to support this local business!
More about the mingle
The main goal of the mingle is for writers of all genres to connect and just hang out! We also hope to learn what the writing community might want for future mingles or events. For this mingle we plan:
an activity corner for quick writing prompt games
a Shut Up and Write space: get a coffee and chat a while, then sit down and write for an hour or so in Dapper Owl's private room!
at 3:45 PM, a 10 minute program of writerly inspiration offered by this month's guest host, Taffeta Chime. Taffy will also be on hand to chat about writing and publishing.
About our February host
Image courtesy Taffeta Chime
Taffeta Chime, a lifelong fabulist and logolept, has two published novels (Stoodie, 2007, and The Last, 2011) and several short stories, poems, and articles printed across many publications (including The Renew Network, Complex Magazine, and Short Édition). She received a BA in English and Creative Writing and an MA in English and Foreign Language both from Middle Tennessee State University. She currently works as a freelance writer and editor in Murfreesboro with her husband Shane, daughters Beili and Ailin, and two cats. She is also on the Poetry in the Boro team and writes the RAA’s monthly literary interest group blog.
About the venue and parking
The Dapper Owl coffee pub is located at 2412 East Main St. just past its intersection with Rutherford Blvd., on the east side of the MTSU campus. Overflow parking is on the Arnold Lane side of the building – pull in perpendicular to the building to allow more cars to fit (careful of the AC unit!) or park on the side of road down Arnold Lane (please don’t block any driveways).
Again, if you plan to attend, please RSVP on this Google form