Set a positive tone for 2021 by virtually attending our first meeting of the new year with local psychologist Dr. Kalpana Gowda as our featured guest.
Dr. Gowda will take us through a self-reflection of the past year and what we have accomplished in our individual lives. She will challenge us to think about an appropriate creative expression of our accomplishment (a medal, piece of art, song, etc) and reflect on how we built resilience through that experience. She will then integrate relaxation exercises into our time together, reflecting on how the creative process helps reduce stress.
Dr. Gowda is a psychologist currently practicing in Murfreesboro. She works primarily with women who are struggling with trauma, grief and loss. She also offers consultation to parents of gifted kids and teens and to gifted adults. Most of her clients are high functioning professionals who are emerging leaders in their professional and/or social circles. Dr. Gowda also enjoys working with groups focused on resilience building and teamwork.
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Image credit: Unsplash/@seanstratton